What is the Currency Used in Punta del Este?

The currency of Uruguay is the peso. Credit cards are widely accepted in most major cities, including Montevideo and Punta del Este. UK cash cards can be used at most ATMs in these cities, but there may be a fee for withdrawing money. In Punta Cana, the Dominican Republic, the currency is the Dominican peso or “peso”, as the locals call it.

It's best to exchange some pesos for your trip to Uruguay. All currencies are widely accepted in major tourist and business destinations, such as Montevideo, Punta del Este and Colonia del Sacramento. U. S.

dollars are also accepted by many tourism-oriented companies in these cities, but it's still a good idea to exchange some pesos. When it comes to entertainment, exchanging the currency of Punta Cana is quite accessible for travelers. If you can't do it, you can request the currency exchange service at Lopesan Costa Bávaro hotel in Punta Cana. Many restaurants, bars and dining establishments accept dollars, but it's always best to use the Punta Cana currency if you decide to move away from the tourist area.

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