How Long Does it Take to Fly from Buenos Aires to Punta del Este?

Are you planning a trip from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Punta del Este, Uruguay? If so, you may be wondering how long it will take to get there by plane. The answer depends on the type of aircraft you are using and the route you take. The straight-line distance between Buenos Aires and Punta del Este is approximately 197 miles or 317 kilometers. If you have access to a private jet, you can make the journey in a relatively short amount of time.

However, if you are flying commercially, the flight time will be longer due to the route taken. The two airports closest to Punta del Este are Capitán Corbeta CA Curbelo International Airport and Jorge Newbery Airport (EZE). Depending on the airline, your flight may depart from either of these airports. When booking your flight, it is important to consider the time difference between Buenos Aires and Punta del Este.

The time difference is one hour, so you may need to adjust your plans accordingly. Additionally, many airlines are offering credits for flights affected by COVID-19, so be sure to check for any discounts that may be available. If you are looking for a great deal on flights from Buenos Aires to Punta del Este, Orbitz can help. They offer discounts on both flights and hotel rooms, making it easy to plan an affordable trip. So, how long does it take to fly from Buenos Aires to Punta del Este? The answer depends on the type of aircraft and route taken.

However, with the help of Orbitz, you can find a great deal on flights and make your journey as affordable as possible.

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