What is the Best Currency to Use in Punta Cana?

Are you planning a trip to Punta Cana? If so, you'll want to know what currency to use during your stay. The official currency of the Dominican Republic is the Dominican Peso (DOP). However, US dollars are widely accepted and are in fact preferred to the peso. Taxis, tour vendors, and restaurants accept USD and generally have the same rate as the bank.

When you stay at an Airbnb in Punta Cana, you can use both currencies: US dollars or Dominican pesos. Travelers can bring foreign currency to Punta Cana, instead of exchanging it before their visit. Especially when you stay at all-inclusive resorts and go on organized tours in Punta Cana, you won't need any local currency from the Dominican Republic. If you head to Friusa, the local center of Punta Cana, you will find exchange offices with the best exchange rate from the US dollar to the Dominican peso.

Although most banks will adapt to your wishes to withdraw pesos from your bank account, you may find it more difficult in some parts of Punta Cana where there are no ATMs. The last option to exchange your U. S. dollars to the Punta Cana currency, the Dominican peso, are public banks.

The best option to obtain the currency of the Dominican Republic in Punta Cana is through an ATM. Compared to the United States and Canada, Punta Cana and the Dominican Republic are quite cheap to visit. When you look up the exchange rates in Punta Cana, especially in hotels or at the airport, you usually only get 48 or 50 pesos for every US dollar. To sum up, when traveling to Punta Cana, it's best to bring US dollars with you and use them for most transactions.

You can also use ATMs to withdraw pesos if needed. However, be aware that exchange rates may not be as favorable as those found at exchange offices.

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